Up Butterflies of Venezuelan Andes » 2006 Mar » 2006 0319a San Isidro Tunnel Road, Barinas » MORPHIDAE, Morpho peleides Prev Next Slideshow

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Scene 55_hssflight_Morpho peleides coming one after another to banana bait, capturing one on the ground by hand
Scene 57_hssflight_Morpho peleides taking off banana bait
Scene 58_hssflight_Forcing feeding Morpho peleides to take off, which keep staying around banana bait
Scene 59_hssflight_Morpho peleides appraching banana bait in circular flight
Scene 60_hssflight_Closely folowing Morpho peleides taking off banana bait and circling around the area
Scene 62_hssflight_Closely folowing Morpho peleides taking off banana bait and circling around the area
Scene 63_hssflight_Forcing Morpho peleides to take off leaf
Scene 103_hssflight_Lazy Morpho peleides flight along the roadside
Scene 104_hssflight_Lazy Morpho peleides flight along the roadside
Scene 105_hssflight_Morpho peleides approaching banana bait and landing

Scene 61 Approaching Morpho peleided to a banana piece on the ground Download Original Image
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